Friday, December 31, 2010

"You Don't Need No Baggage, You Just Get On Board"

I think that everybody in the world should listen to "People Get Ready" by the Impressions every New Years because this song is just so optimistic as it tells you to leave the past behind and move on.  We all should listen to the message of this song and put all the depressing baggage of 2010 behind us as we carry on into 2011.  Still, it doesn't hurt to have you're own personal year in review.
The top ten-the good, the bad, and the ugly:
10. (ugly) I was humilitated when a boy thought it was funny to grab my butt and blame it on his friend. Then he got expelled from school, and that episode was the talk of our grade. The good thing that I got out of that was that I learned that I could be strong and not let anything stop me from living my life.
9. (good) My well used $300 shopping spree
8. (good) I went on my first date, which was with Donkey. eww.
7. (good) I wrote my first real spoken word poem, "Pride".
6. (good) I sold the most tickets for my NAACP luncheon
5. (bad) The first guy that I really liked back was just playing me for a fool and I had to learn it at our NAACP Freedom Fund Banquet.  Donkey was not only talkin' to me honey, so I had to let him go, but the best part was that I learned how to deal with this in the future.
4. (good) I started my very own  blogs.  One that I use to get my political views out there, "That Black Pride" and my online diary that I hope empowers others is, "Memoirs Of A Young Sistah"
3. (good) I went to my first real political rally as they re-did the March On Washington.  Even though it was not as good as it was back in 1963, it still was an experience that I will never forget.
2. (good) Going to BGF's football games were so cool!  I would just watch him out there playing and would tell myself, "that's MY boy out there! Y'all don't know him like I do!"lol  Spending a lot more time with him was awesome and I really realized how lucky I am to have him as my friend, and I gave him a great present that showed my appreciation and he loved it!
1. (BEST) Becoming a senior.  I had always dreamt of the day when I would be in my senior year in high school, and I still can't believe that I'm here!  I'm only months away from walking across the stage in my cap and gown! Going to prom! This is going to be great! So I am praying that along the way, I will have good fortune, and will get accepted to my top college of choice because this is a huge step.  I am going to have to make a lot of huge decisions on my own, even though it's scary. . .I'M READY!
  When I was younger, I use to make a list of about ten things that I wanted to accomplish in the new year, and I never got to any of them!  So I have gotten into the habit of just making no more than six things that I want to make possible.  So I am pleased to give you my goals for 2011.
  1. Graduate from high school
  2. Go to prom and have a great time
  3. Enter the spoken word contest at school
  4. Attend my top choice of Ohio State University, or my plan B's: Howard University and Penn State University-University Park.  Also get as much scholarship money as possible!
  5. Follow one of the exercise plans in Seventeen Magazine and eat right
  6. Get Straight A's on final report cards
So happy New Year!  Thanks for following this crazy sistah!  Now as school resumes and a new year begins to unfold, I hope that all of you will have nothing but good fortune.  And remember not to dwell on the things that tried to bring you down in 2010 because that's so last year.  And when stuff tries to bring you down in 2011, keep on pushin'!


                  Ya girl Blackness!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Playing Dress Up! Week 16!

This week, I didn't feel like I looked my best, but I always put my appearance in the back seat during the week.  See, I believe that school is a place where you learn, get good grades, and get out of there as soon as senior comes around.  It's funny how many see it as an opportunity to show off their new clothes, and wear all this make-up. . .but for what?  No matter how cool your clothes look, or how cute you look in make-up, that  doesn't contribute to your graduation.  Yeah you might be voted the prettiest smile, or most conceited, but colleges are not interested in popularity contests!
On the weekend though is when I turn it on, and I wear my nice clothes and do my hair the way I want to!  But you don't know how happy I was when Friday came because that means Christmas Break!  I had an epiphany though: when I go back to school in 2011, I will only be months away from prom and graduating from high school!  It's just like yesterday I was just starting my senior year, but now it's about time that I start shopping for prom dresses and asking SG, BGF, or Mr. Revolution to prom!  Most likely, I'm going to ask BGF, but I want to make sure our prom is going to be good because our school is not letting us do too much for making money this year, which isn't fair!  But I have hope that it will end out good because the seniors last year were complaining about this same thing, but their prom turned out to be awesome.
Last Friday, I got an email from Ohio State telling me that they have received my application, which means that I have a ten to twelve week wait, and this school is my first choice school.  And I feel that I will get in because you know how you got that feeling that you can see the future with something, and then that something begins to pop up everywhere?  Like when I was talking to donkey, I was trying my hardest to see a future with him, but I just couldn't see it, and now we have no future because he's a donkey.  With Ohio State, the day I got the conformation email, I happened to be looking at their men's basketball schedule.  Then the same day that a graduating senior from last year came to talk about Ohio State, I got an email about my password and stuff to check my application status.  Then I keep seeing Ohio State stuff everywhere I turn, which gives me a good feeling that it was meant to be, but I don't want to jinx myself.
We had an NAACP meeting yesterday and I was eager for my friend to meet Donkey after I kept dogging him for what he did to me, and I was surprised that this meeting went really well.  I think now because I actually have a friend in the meetings with me, I feel a lot more comfortable, and it seems like I'm almost beginning to like this youth council.  and I said, "ALMOST", but the best moment about this week was just a couple of hours ago when I was in my room trying on the new clothes I bought from the  mall the other weekend, and they made me look so cute!  I was also listening to Chrisette Michele while I got dressed and nothing could stop me!  Even though during the week I have some kind of doubt about the beauty of my body type, which is thick, and as soon as I put on some nice clothes, I feel so much better about myself, and I encourage all my sistahs out there to follow suit!  Whenever you're beginning to feel low about your body, play dress up in some flattering clothes while listening to some Chrisette Michele, Jill Scott, Corinne Bailey Rae, and Laura Izibor then you shall see the light!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Little Sistah Week 15!

Just the other day I was going through my usual episode of depression, and I just had to pick up my favorite self-help book, "Letters To A Young Sister" by Hill Harper.  And coincidentally, the first page I read really helped me a lot.  The girl he was writing to asked him "what do people mean by having self-respect?"  He forwarded the e-mail to Alfre Woodard, a well known actress who starred in many movies, which include my two favorites, Love and Basketball and Something New.  In her e-mail to the girl, she said to the effect that even though we grow older, we still are a part of that little girl we once were.  So just like a regular child, we need to take care of her, feed her right, treat her right, and love her with all our heart.  Then that got me to thinking, and I've been pondering for a couple of days now.
As I passed by that picture of me on the wall when I was a couple weeks old, I had an epiphany: I still am that little baby, but I'm just a little bit taller, smarter, wiser, and more developed.  Still, this baby belongs to my mom and I need to take real good care of her and give her words of encouragement everyday.  So next week, I will make it my business to exercise more, eat better, take better care of myself, specifically my skin, and to be strong for myself.  I thought that I had self-respect just because I don't wear tight clothes and I don't act the way those other girls in my school act, but the one thing I was missing was just really taking care of myself the way that I should, and having confidence.
There was one thing that was bothering me though.  Earlier in the week, I learned that I was to do a powerpoint presentation on the history of technology after I was so excited to do a project on a famous African American.  So I decided that I would to Black technological innovations because our Black ancestors don't get all the credit that they deserve, and too many people don't know about their accomplishments.  So I was cool, then in the car, I told my mom that I wanted to make it Black, and that's when she said, "yeah  because that's the only color you see."  I playfully replied, "no I don't!"  On the inside, I was thinking, is that what other people think too?  I love diversity!  I live in Cleveland, and there is an area called University Circle and it's just beautiful.  The Cleveland Museum of Art is located there, the Botanical Gardens, the Western Reserve Historical Society, the Natural History Museum, the Cleveland Institutes of Art and Music, and lastly Case Western Reserve University--among a million other things.  There is so much diversity there because of Case, and I have to admit, I see more Asians there than anything else.  I don't know if this may sound crazy, but every time I see other cultures here in America, I tell myself, "wow.  Only in America can you see so many cultures together as one, and we don't look at it like it's strange."  I actually would choose a predominately white college over an HBCU because of the diversity!
Now, the reason why I try to incorporate Black history in most, if not everything I do because I feel like I'm the only one that's doing it in my school.  And these kids don't care to know about their history, so I force open their eyes to make them see it and trust me, I've made progress.  Truthfully, this is the only way I can feel like I'm fulfilling my destiny because I am not as involved in my community as I should be, and yeah I am in the NAACP, but they don't do as much in the community as they do within the organization and that kills me sometimes.  Still being in the NAACP is beneficial because you learn the skills needed to become a future leader in your community, which I am truly thankful for.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

What Are Donkeys? Week 14!

This week was oddly easy because I have been doing such a good job with getting SG out of my system, but I was wondering what was going to happen on Saturday when I went to my NAACP meeting for the first time since that incident happened last weekend.  My girl Jill came along for the ride and I couldn't wait for her to meet Donkey and that fat h@&.  Then the strangest thing happened, neither one of them came!  What a coincidence?!  So we had the meeting, and it went pretty well, but again I seemed to be nothing but a shadow in the corner.  When Howard was president, I felt comfortable around everyone, but now since Donkey came in, everything just doesn't feel right.  But I don't think that it's fair that he and those other mothertruckers will get access to the awesome opportunities that I won't have if I just up and leave.  So, the only way to make these people angry is to work my you know what off, and be the best treasurer that I can be!
The thing that made me cringe a little was when I heard one of the new girls go on and on about how Donkey sent her a text message saying "good morning queen".  As soon as I heard how happy she was about that, I had a deep urge to tell her what he was really about, and then I realized that her situation with Donkey is none of my business.  She will just have to learn the hard way that through the exterior of  his human skin, he is nothing more than a hay eating, big gummed Jackass!  So, I think this is so funny to me that he has found him some other prey in such a short time, but hey, all men are jackasses, but how big of a jackass is what makes each one of them different.